Cafe, Customer Service, Inspiring People, Mystery

Barista Mystified by Lipstick Stain That Refuses to Budge

By Angie Ang

WASHINGTON, DC— Marveling at the lasting power of a regular’s bold lipstick, local barista Tiffany Kwon has decided to pre-soak all ceramic mugs.

“I have no idea what brand she uses, but damn if it won’t come off. You have to really scrub at it and even then, you can still see it!”

Other baristas share Kwon’s amazement. “I just know if Tommy worked the morning shift because he never bothers to scrub the dishes and I always find the lipstick cup in the afternoon.”

“I think it might be some fancy Korean brand,” interjected one barista. “Whatever it is, it looks great. I should ask if it comes in a plum shade, because I can’t rock the bright red like she can.”

“Whatever it is, she’s such a lovely lady that we can’t even be mad at her. In fact,” Tiffany quips, “you can say she’s really left a mark on our café.”

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Angie is a DC-located barista whose love of coffee and Kpop doesn’t define her but is pretty much what she’s known for.

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