Coffee Events

New “Coffee on a Cop” Program Widely Misinterpreted


KANSAS CITY, KS— A national “Coffee on a Cop” program, launched last week, is being widely misinterpreted across the country.


The program, intended as a national effort to foster goodwill and communication between police and their constituencies, allowed coffee lovers to come to some of their favorite local coffee shops and have a police officer buy them a cup of coffee, along with a frank conversation about policing in their community.


So far, the program has resulted in a mass misunderstanding as attendees throw their coffee onto the police officers present.


“We will not end what we think could be a really valuable program,” local police commissioner Jordan Landon told Knockbox reporters. “All this does is highlight why we feel this effort is so important. But, from now on, we will only be purchasing cool or cold beverages for folks.”


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About RJ Joseph

RJ Joseph is a coffee lover, roaster, writer, ex-bitter barista, and founder of The Knockbox.
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