Cafe, Customer Service

Flutist Holds Up Line with Charming Piccolo Latte Banter


By Camillia Nazanin


AUSTIN, TX— Angry customers are flooding the Yelp page of an Austin coffee shop following an unfortunate incident with a talkative visitor. Flutist Sebastian Chorno stopped by the cafe to get his caffeine fix before a performance, but quickly found himself in the company of vexed patrons.


Our reporters reached out to Chorno for details.


“I was checking out the menu, and suddenly I see this drink called a piccolo latte,” he said. “So I order one. Then I notice that the barista seems a little down, so I try to cheer her up by mentioning that I play the flute. I thought it was hilarious, but she didn’t laugh.”


We followed up with the barista in question, Ayann Sarsour, who recalled the event a little differently.


“See, it would’ve been funny if he’d stopped there,” she explained. “But he kept going on and on. First he mentions the flute. Then he quickly tells me what a piccolo is to make sure I get the ‘joke.’ Then he starts whistling some sort of concerto. The other customers were losing it at that point, and things just got worse when he realized I didn’t recognize the song.”


“The guy definitely had some anger issues,” remarked Darren Wilson, a bystander. “I mean, you’ve got twenty people in line behind you, and you start threatening to pull out your flute so people can learn to ‘appreciate true music’? Get a real job, man.”


Chorno declined to provide further comment.


The cafe has since released a statement promising that customer satisfaction is a main priority, and strives to bar musicians from all three of its locations in the near future.


Camillia Nazanin is a writer and contributor who doesn’t understand why iced coffee needs whipped cream. When she’s not working, you can find her doodling, reminiscing with old-school Nintendo, or looking at the stars.


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