New Findings

Can Drinking Coffee Improve Your Penmanship? Science Says Yes.


If you needed another reason to grab a mug of your favorite morning brew, a recent study has found that coffee has the ability to very slightly improve your penmanship.


The study, which researchers are hailing as just one more proof that you should drink coffee as much as possible, showed that people who had at least two cups demonstrated a slight—but noticeable—improvement in the neatness and legibility of their handwriting.


These new results definitely provide an extra incentive to drink more than one cup, and people are excited about it.


“If coffee can help me improve my handwriting, I’ll definitely drink more of it,” said college student Liam Boudreu.


“I guess that’s kind of cool,” said data analyst Michael Streyer. “But it also sounds like bullshit.”


“Can you tell me about how they actually measured any of the data? It doesn’t sound very rigorous,” said pharmaceutical technician Tiana Green.


“I’m gonna go get myself a third frappuccino!” said office administrator Rochelle Fried.


Is there anything coffee can’t do? Scientists don’t yet know.


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About RJ Joseph

RJ Joseph is a coffee lover, roaster, writer, ex-bitter barista, and founder of The Knockbox.
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