
Cafe Owner Misses Being “Just a Barista”


SEATTLE, WA— Local coffee shop owner Shawn Jameson misses the days when he was “just a barista.”


Jameson purchased his small coffee shop eight years ago, wanting to own his own space and run a shop the way he envisioned. Now, almost a decade later, he misses the days when he was “just a barista” with no extra responsibilities.


“Things were just so simple back then,” he told our reporters wistfully. “I wanted to own my own shop because all the coffee shop owners I worked for were dicks. I never made enough money to have any type of security back then.”


Now, though, he thinks back on those days fondly. “Think about how great it would be to just work every day on someone else’s schedule and not have to worry about anything.”


When asked about his baristas’ financial security, Jameson replied, “I can only afford to pay my baristas minimum wage, but it’s not like I’m making bank! Between my two kids and my mortgage, I’m barely clearing more than they do. Plus, they don’t have to worry about things like I do.”


According to Jameson, that’s exactly why he misses being “just a barista.”


“Those days were so simple,” he sighed, looking into the sunset. “I really do miss them.”


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About RJ Joseph

RJ Joseph is a coffee lover, roaster, writer, ex-bitter barista, and founder of The Knockbox.
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