Education, New Products

Mom Uses New Pourover Once, Reverts to Keurig


MORRISTOWN, NJ— According to recent reports, local mom Mary Schooner used the new pourover drip cone given to her by her son Michael once, before reverting to her tried-and-true Keurig.


“It was a really nice gift,” she told the Knockbox. “Really, I love it!”


Nevertheless, reports say, she used it once, while Michael was in the room, only to revert the next day, after he returned home to New York.


“She told me it tasted funny,” confided her husband, Samuel. “Michael explained that you have to try it out a few different ways to make it taste right, but she won’t do a thing before she’s had her coffee.”


According to an anonymous source, Schooner plans to use the pourover device again when Michael returns in a few weeks.


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About RJ Joseph

RJ Joseph is a coffee lover, roaster, writer, ex-bitter barista, and founder of The Knockbox.
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