Cafe, Customer Service

Coffee Too Expensive, Says Customer


SAN FRANCISCO, CA— This morning, local cafe customer Cathy Samuels stated that the drip coffee she was attempting to purchase was too expensive.


“Why should a cup of coffee cost 2.50?” Samuels told reporters. “It’s ridiculous. What am I, a millionaire?” Samuels, who works as a product manager for a popular software company, lives in San Francisco’s Mission District near the cafe.


“I don’t even know what the money’s going towards,” she continued. “All they have to do is take the coffee and put it in a cup.”


According to an anonymous source, Samuels intends to return tomorrow for another coffee and also plans to complain about the price again.  



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About RJ Joseph

RJ Joseph is a coffee lover, roaster, writer, ex-bitter barista, and founder of The Knockbox.
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