Green Coffee, New Findings, Roasting

New Findings Suggest Roasting Coffee Bad for Coffee Farmers


Alarming new findings released today by a prominent coffee research and development nonprofit show that the process of roasting coffee brings with it extreme and direct negative impacts on farmers’ ability to grow coffee.


“Our mission is and has always been to increase the global supply of quality coffee while improving the lives of those who produce it,” said a spokesperson for the organization. “We’re not quite sure what to recommend based on these results—not only does the roasting of coffee come with negative environmental impacts that directly affect coffee producers, so do the shipping of coffee to consuming countries and the visiting of farms by well-intentioned green coffee buyers.”


Since the report dropped this morning, producer-focused and environmentally-concerned coffee roasters are completely unsure what to do and have halted roasting operations for the time being. The organization recommends that concerned folks continue normal operations while they investigates further and comes forward with recommendations.


“We didn’t want to release these findings hastily and cause a panic, but nor did we feel that once known, it was ethical to conceal them. We’ll be producing a slate of recommendations within the next few days, so stay tuned and please keep calm.”


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About RJ Joseph

RJ Joseph is a coffee lover, roaster, writer, ex-bitter barista, and founder of The Knockbox.
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