Cafe, Customer Service, Inspiring People

Sweet, Innocent New Hire Still Not Cynical and Bitter After First Week


This piece is dedicated to Umeko Motoyoshi, our excellent Patreon supporter whom we love and appreciate.


By Zac Hyde


CHARLESTON, SC— Staff at a local coffee shop in Charleston, SC were reportedly touched this morning when they arrived to work to find that new hire Stacy Chambers had still not yet become an irredeemably bitter cynic.


Now entering her second week as a barista, Chambers remains as smiley and charmingly bubbly as the day she was hired, reporters confirmed.


“I just think itʼs adorable,” said coworker and veteran barista Jeff Carson. “It took me about two shifts to start resenting the average customer, but Stacy doesnʼt even seem to be phased by them!”


Even some regulars seemed to be touched by Chambersʼs yet-unshaken optimism. “Yesterday this tourist asked for her drink to be remade because she didnʼt like it, and Stacy just… did it,” recounts Karen Birch, long-time customer. “There was no audible sigh or eye roll or anything. She was even smiling. It was crazy.”


At press time, Chambers was seen pointing a customer to the cream and sugar without so much as a scoff.


“Iʼm just excited to learn more about coffee,” Chambers told reporters. “I love how it brightens up peopleʼs days!” How sweet is that?


Zac is a creatively driven freelance writer, independent scholar, and coffee professional based out of Charleston, SC. He holds an MA in Medieval Literatures and Languages from the University of York.


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