Coffee Events, New Products

New Coffee Beer Launches, Tastes Okay


PORTLAND, OR— This weekend in Portland, two local companies joined forces to create a new coffee stout. This union presented an occasion for excitement in the local coffee and beer communities and was feted at a launch party this Saturday. Knockbox reporters hit the scene to see what the buzz was all about.


Event attendees had a lot to say about the brand-new ménage à deux.


“I thought it was okay,” said local brewer Tom Rodriguez. “Nothing earth-shattering, but fine.”


“I kind of liked it,” said Jean Harmon, a barista. “I personally enjoy that funky rubber tire flavor.”


Sam Li, a local coffee roaster, wished to speak outside. “It honestly tasted pretty bad,” he told reporters in a hushed tone. “I typically love a stout and I love both of these companies, but this just didn’t taste very good.”


The beer will hit the shelves of select local coops this week. Try it out!


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About RJ Joseph

RJ Joseph is a coffee lover, roaster, writer, ex-bitter barista, and founder of The Knockbox.
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