Cafe, Customer Service

Conflict Brews as Barista Explains that Macchiatos are “Actually” Really Small

A macchiato in a white cup sits on a white sauces on a wooden table. It has a dollop of foam on top and is about 3 ounces.

  SEATTLE, WA—When graphic designer and coffee lover Karen Jones went into a specialty cafe this morning, she was in for a surprise. After ordering a macchiato, Jones was told by on-shift barista James Melman that macchiatos are “actually” super small.   Trying to convey the gravity of the situation, Melman used his fingers to demonstrate the size of the beverage…

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Grassy Flavors Just Part of Terroir, Assures Local Roaster on His Company’s Facebook Page

Specialty Coffee Association's Coffee Taster's Flavor Wheel is a colorful guide to the various flavors one might find when tasting coffee

  OAKLAND, CA—When a customer took to Yelp this morning to decry a local roaster’s coffees as “grassy and underdeveloped,” the roaster decided to head to his company’s Facebook page  and educate his customer base about terroir.   “We had a customer post on Yelp that our coffees were grassy and underdeveloped and I just wanted to take the time…

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